The Milarepa Buddhist Center has been registered at a non-profit with the state of Iowa since 2016. The following information is taken directly from our Bylaws. General Members may request to see our bylaws at any time.
Article I
Milarepa Buddhist Center of Iowa has established the following types of membership:
General member
Entails a $10 or greater monthly membership contribution or annual contribution of $120 or more. This type of member has voting rights.
Sangha member
A more general term used to describe people who have some connection with the Milarepa Buddhist Center of Iowa. This is an informal term, and does not imply or express any voting rights
Board of Directors – Qualifications and Election
Article III
Directors need not be participants in the Milarepa Buddhist Center of Iowa’s daily, monthly, or yearly activities and observances. A Director shall have one or more of the following qualifications:
(a) He or she shall have at least three (3) years’ experience in Tibetan Buddhist practice or in another closely-related religious practice.
(b) S/he shall have had experience as a member of a religious community such as a Buddhist sangha, monastery or church.
(c) He or she shall have leadership experience and skills.
(d) She or he shall have organizational experience and expertise, either in general organizational matters or in some special area such as motivation, accounting or organizational structure and function.
(e) A majority of Directors shall be a member of the practicing sangha. The practicing sangha consists of those who regularly attend activities at Milarepa Buddhist Center of Iowa.
(f) At least one Director shall be an ordained sangha member, a monk, nun or yogi or yogini. The ordained Board member may not serve as a resident lama.
(g) A majority of the Board members of the Milarepa Buddhist Center of Iowa will be U.S. Citizens.
Annual Meeting
Article I
The annual meeting of the members of the Milarepa Buddhist Center of Iowa shall be held on March 1, or at such other time as is designated by the Board of Directors, or by written request of two-thirds of all the members entitled to vote at the annual meeting. At the annual meeting, those members entitled to vote shall elect the Board of Directors and shall transact such business as shall properly come before them.
Board of Directors:

Naomi Bloom, M.D.
I came to Dharma in 1997 in Rochester, New York. I am committed to Milarepa Buddhist Center because I want to make good use of this lifetime to do whatever I can to help reduce the suffering of living beings. I live in Iowa City with my wife, Ellen Marie and our 2 children and 2 dogs.

Catherine Deming
Board Member

Ellen Marie Lauricella
I met the Dharma in 1997 in Rochester, New York. I am hopeful that the Milarepa Buddhist Center will be a source of wisdom and compassion on our path to benefit beings. I live in Iowa City with my wife, Naomi and our 2 kids and our 2 dogs and the neighborhood deer and coyotes.

Cheryl Ridgeway
Board Member