SISTER SANGHAS – Online Teaching and Practice

All of the teachings and practices available from these teachers are open to the public. Most are offered completely free of charge. Some of these teachings are offered weekly or monthly on zoom. Others are offered livestream on Youtube. All in all there are LOTS of online opportunities to learn and practice Dharma. If you are able to make an offering you certainly may.

Garchen Buddhist Institute
teachings and meditation practices with Garchen Rinpoche and insitute lamas
Chino Valley, Arizona

Online Programs 2022
Garchen Institute YouTube Channel


Chicago Ratna Shri
teachings with Drupon RInchen Dorje

Chicago, Illinois

All of their programs are offered online. Check them out here.


Drikung Kagyu Dharma Circle
teachings with Khenchen Konchok Gyatshen Rinpoche

Madison, Wisconsin

Online Programs Teachings listed here when available


Gar Drolma Buddhist Learning and Meditation Center
teachings, discussion and meditation with Khenpo Samdup
Dayton, Ohio

Online Programs
Gar Drolma YouTube Channel


Drong Ngur Jangchubling
teachings, discussion and meditation with Drupon Thinley Ningpo Rinpoche
Tampa, Florida

Weekly Zoom Programs