Through various relocations, adaptations to the pandemic, consistent Sunday practices, and hosting notable Buddhist teachers and programs, the sangha has persevered and grown, providing a supportive space for meditation, discussions, and the study of Buddhist teachings in Iowa City. We extend a warm invitation to all, both new and seasoned practitioners, to join us as we continue on our collective spiritual journey and deepen our understanding of the Buddhist path.
In 2024, the sangha met at our current location in downtown Iowa City. We continue to offering Sunday morning practices and discussions. In addition, we received teachings over zoom from Khenpo Tamphel on on Nagarjuna’s “In Praise of Dharmadatu.” In 2024 we also sponsored several visiting lamas for short retreats and teachings.
September 2024
September 19–22, 2024 Drupon Palkyi visited Garchen Mila to offer White Tara Retreat and a refuge ceremony.
June 2024
On June 27-29, 2024 Khenpo Tamphel visited Garchen Mila to teach on Nagarjuna’s “In Praise of Dharmadatu.”
May 2024
On May 16-19, 2024 Khenpo Samdup visited Iowa City. He offered a Vajrakilaya empowerment and teachings as well as Vipassana teachings during his visit.

In January 2023, the sangha moved into our current location in downtown Iowa City. We continue to offering Sunday morning practices and discussions. As we enter a new phase, we are excited to announce that we will once again be hosting special events and inviting esteemed teachers and lamas to Iowa City.
October 2023
In October we organized the four Iowa City Buddhist groups in a Meditation for Peace. It was very moving and meaningful for the 45 or so Iowa City Buddhists from all traditions to come together in support of peace. As 2023 comes to a close we find that in this year we were able to stabilize and grow our spiritual community.
September 2023
In September we were happy to be able to sponsor Drupon Thinley Ningpo and Lama Kalsang at the University of Iowa. Hundreds of University of Iowa students and staff members as well as Iowa City community members attended the events surrounding the construction of the sand mandala.
January 2023
In January 2023 we moved into our current location in downtown Iowa City.
March 2023
In March offered Introduction to Meditation with Sam Beran teaching. We also began a Monday night discussion group centered around the writing of Pema Chodron.

In 2022, the sangha met at the Catholic Worker House and continued to face challenges due to the pandemic. However, by the end of the year, we began regrouping! We offered Sunday morning meditation practices, two mindfulness meditation sessions each week (online), and started rebuilding attendance.

In 2021, the sangha continued to adapt to the pandemic, primarily hosting online events. We offered Sunday morning meditation practices, three mindfulness meditation sessions each week, and Achi Chokyi Drolma practice, attracting participants from around the world. The Dharma center was at a house on G Street during this time.
January, 2021
In early 2021 we offered an online book discussion on The Progressive Stages of Meditation on Emptiness.
January, 2021
Gabriela led a Meditation Marathon which enabled people to meditate together seven nights a week for 30 days.
February, 2021
We offered Daughters of the Buddha Have No Fear Discussion with Khenmo Drolma online.
March 2021
In March we began offering an online class on the 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva led by Khenpo Thupsang.

In 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all events were moved online. The sangha offered Sunday morning meditation practices, two mindfulness meditation sessions each week, and a Parnashavari meditation practice.
June, 2020
In June we offered a book discussion on The Practice of Lojong by Traleg Rinpoche – led by Tim Mullaney.
In 2019, the sangha experienced robust participation and had a location on Heinz Road that accommodated over 30 people. Throughout the year, we offered Sunday morning meditation practices and special events.
January & February, 2019:
Over the Winter we hosted a Tibetan Buddhist nun named Tsunma Yeshe, who came here on a leadership training program. She stayed in the US for one year and was in Iowa City for a couple of months. While Tsunma Yeshe was in Iowa City she taught at our center and also at New Song Episcopalian Church.
April, 2019:
In April we hosted Drupon Rinchen Dorje who gave us the Vajrasattva empowerment. In addition, Drupon offered us teachings on the Prayer of Kuntuzangpo.
May, 2019 :
In May we hosted Ina Trinley Wangmo to teach in Iowa City for the first time. Ina has served as Garchen Rinpoche’s translator for over ten years. She taught on the Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind to Dharma.
August, 2019
In August we sponsored a program on Ice Stupas and Go Green – A Discussion of Climate Change & Action in Ladakh, India with Lama Choswang.
October, 2019:
In October we moved to the Heinz Road location.
October, 2019
In October Lharampa Geshe Ngawang Norbu visited Milarepa Buddhist Center for a public talk.

In 2018, we continued offering Sunday morning meditation practices throughout the year. It was also a year filled with special events and the arrival of visiting teachers, enriching our journey as a sangha.
January, 2018:
Two Tibetan nuns, Yuan Hao and Yuan Fei, who delved systematically into a thorough study of Buddhism in one of the largest Tibetan Buddhism Academy in the world will visited us and taught at the ICPL.
February, 2018:
Khenpo Paljor Gyatso taught on the Fundamentals of Buddhism.
March, 2018:
Drupon Rinchen Dorje led a 3-Day Chenrezig Retreat for Compassion.
March, 2018:
Visiting scholar of Tibetan Buddhism Yaroslav Komarovski, Ph.D. taught on Contemplative Techniques of Calm and Insight Across Buddhist Traditions at the ICPL.

In 2017, we dedicated ourselves to providing Sunday morning meditation practices throughout the year. It was a transformative period filled with a range of special events and teachings that furthered our spiritual understanding as a sangha.
January, 2017:
We hosted a winter retreat with Khenpo Choephel Rinpoche
which included a Medicine Buddha empowerment as well as teachings on Medicine Buddha practice, teachings on the Four Immeasurables and on the Four Seals. At the end of this retreat Khenpo instructed us in torma making and how to set up a personal shrine.
February, 2017:
In February we co-hosted a One-Dharma vegetarian potluck at our center.
April, 2017:
In April we hosted a spring retreat with Khenpo Choephel Rinpoche. At this time Khenpo offered teachings on Nagarjuna’s Letter to a Friend. In addition, Khenpo offered an empowerment for the Ten Dharma Activities: 1. Writing Dharma texts / 2. Practicing offering to Buddha Dharma Sanghas / 3. Practicing Generosity for the Buddha’s teachings / 4. Listening to Dharma teachings / 5. Reading Dharma texts such as Sutras and Tantras / 6. Taking Dharma transmissions from Masters/ 7. Giving Dharma teachings / 8. Practicing Dharma in our daily life / 9. Contemplating perfect Dharma / 10. Meditating Perfect Dharma. We practiced Shamata meditation with Khenpo as well as Chenrezig Meditation.
May, 2017:
In May we co-hosted a One-Dharma picnic along with the Iowa City Zen Center and Iowa City Sangha (now Winding Path Sangha).
September, 2017:
Retreat with Drupon Thinley Ningpo Rinpoche:
Compassionate Mind, Heart of Peace. Rinpoche’s visit included a Green Tara Empowerment & teachings as well as an Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism and Teachings on the Nature of Mind.
October, 2017:
In October we moved Milarepa Buddhist Center to 1st Ave. in Iowa City.

The year 2016 laid the foundation for our sangha, as we established ourselves and created a space for spiritual growth and exploration. Throughout this foundational year, we offered Sunday morning meditation practices as a consistent source of guidance and practice. The teachings we received from esteemed teachers fueled our commitment to meditation and deepened our understanding of loving-kindness, compassion, and the timeless wisdom of Buddhist traditions.
April, 2016:
Khenchen Konchok Gyaltshen Rinpoche taught on the topic Loving Kindness and Compassion: The Source of All Happiness and Joy. In addition Khenchen gave a two-day teaching on The Display of Discursive Thought & the Natural Radiance of Awareness and offered Refuge.
October, 2016:
Milarepa Buddhist center was established. We opened our first space on Scott Court in Iowa City.
October, 2016:
In October Drupon Rinchen Dorje offered a White Tara Empowerment, White Tara Teachings and Practice and Teachings on the Life of Milarepa.